The Successful Man

What is your idea of success? Each one of us have a different idea of what 'successful' means. Some of the people I know answered:

  • Being rich
  • Getting the ideal job
  • Being happy and contented with what you have 
  • Having a wonderful family
  • Get to travel the world
  • Finding the ideal partner
  • Get an easy job, drink and relax all day (We all have these types of friends)

I have met some people that fall under one of these categories. Some of their stories are a little inspiring:

  • One of my friends, when we first met, he does not know how to play guitar but he has a dream to be a rock star. He looked for a guitar mentor and got his dream job playing for a prominent band. He now gets to play in famous venues all over the country.
  • A relative, who was once kicked out of school, decided to self-study and help himself, he is now a programmer and has a monthly salary that most of our colleagues can only dream about.
  • There is this another colleague who, despite him having a not-so-paying-well job, has a happy family. They do not have any problems despite their hardships in life. All the neighbors only has praises for them. Whenever I visit, I feel like i am a part of a comedy show, they just laugh off and enjoy whatever life throws at them.

I consider them all as successful people in their own way. But wouldn't it be excellent if we can be successful on all those categories that was listed above? (Except the drinking part). I always have this belief that our Creator is very good at balancing his creations. He will make you stand out in some areas but not so much on others. I've met smart, rich businessmen who could run an empire of professionals but lets his or her own family take a backseat. On the other hand, there are those God fearing, family-oriented men and women who can't seem to get a break on their professional careers or have given up pursuing their ideal job.

I know there are rare people out there who are successful in almost all areas in life. We see them on televisions, books, magazines and the internet but we don't get to know them personally. All these years I was thinking I would be lucky to meet and get to know a person like that but maybe, just maybe my luck is about to change...

Almost 2 months ago, I've met one of these rare people. He is a multimillionaire who puts God and his own family above anything else. What impressed me is his story of how he got to that position. He was once a taxi driver and janitor until one eventful day changed his life. With help from a total stranger, he graduated from one of the top schools here in the Philippines (I will tell more of this story in later articles). He became one of the top executives of a well known multinational consumer goods company. He became a millionaire by age 30! He retired from corporate life at the young age of 39, after working for 18 years! He is a "jack of many trades, master of some". His passion now is to help other people whom he does not know in the same way that a stranger helped him succeed.

My girlfriend and I have the unique once-in-a-lifetime privilege of participating in his weekly training at an unbelievably low one-time cost. This training with a multimillionaire is absolutely a new chapter of my life. As part of the weekly training, he has given us our own business with the potential to become a millionaire like him! I am learning things that are way out of my comfort zone and some of them do not make any sense (to me), but I see good results from the people he has trained and I have nothing to lose if I follow. Is this the start of something good? Will I be successful? We'll find out in due time...

By the way, if you want to experience this once-in-a-lifetime privilege, please contact me and I will ask him to invite you. I think there is still room for some more students this year. That's it for now. I wish you success!

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