Our Pay Per Click / Impression Earnings

The pay per click (PPC) and pay per impression (PPI) income stream was activated since Homepagepays 2.0 was made available to the representatives. We're posting these screenshots for those who are inquiring about proof of earnings from this income stream.

Take a look at these screenshots:

Since Homepagepays 2.0 is available only to representatives at the moment, these screenshots show that we are earning $0.0075 to $0.04 from the internet activities of representatives in our group. It does not include the free members yet. This numbers may seem small, however, once version 2.0 is made available to the free users, imagine how many of them will use the internet and how much you will earn from it. If you want to know more about this income stream. You may go to my previous article: PPC / PPI preview.

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