List of Prize Winners 2013

Here is the list of the 2013 winners from the Homepagepays Raffles, winners from the Philippines are enclosed in a red box as usual.

Members from all around the world are winning computers, game consoles, mobile devices and money. You could be the next winner, just click on the prize boxes each day and you'll have a chance of winning! Raffle entries accumulate, so clicking everyday improves your chances. Goodluck!


  1. How to claim the prizes? If ever I win the raffles.

  2. How can we convert our smart points to purchase a product?

  3. Hello Jay, just hold on to your smart points for now and keep on collecting them. The Smart Points Rewards Store will be available when we release HPP version 2.0 to all the free members. As of the moment only the professional reps have access to 2.0. You may then exchange your smart points for products.

    For the prizes, once you win, we will contact you and we can arrange on how you'll get it. Smart Media also pays for the shipping fees and other miscellaneous expenses. Here is a sample of some our winners in 2012 getting their $250 prizes.

    So for everyone reading this, I advise that when you register on HPP, include your phone number if you do not check your email daily. So that we can contact you much easier.
    Thank you for visiting my blog Jay!
